3,024 research outputs found

    Terahertz integrated antenna arrays for imaging applications

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    Terahertz is the portion of the spectrum that covers a frequency range between 300 GHz - 3 THz. This frequency band has proven its potential for imaging applications thanks to the good compromise between spatial resolution and penetration; however, this push towards high frequencies contains many technological difficulties in all the subsystems involved in the signal generation, transmission and detection. The power budget restrictions and high losses that sources and receivers currently suffer at these frequencies require systems with a high level of integration among all the devices and components of the systems and subsystems. Therefore, the antennas needed for these systems require to be integrated within the same fabrication processes and technologies as the sensing and power converting devices that are used at their terminals. This doctoral thesis has focused on the development of integrated antenna arrays at Terahertz frequencies for imaging applications, for both near-field and focal-plane geometries, with a special emphasis on the technologies and the fabrication capabilities that can be potentially used and are currently available. The current imaging systems require large arrays of antennas in order to achieve the high-speed image acquisition that is required in most THz applications. This fact increases considerably the difficulty and complexity to achieve highly integrated and efficient antennas. This thesis has characterized and analyzed these difficulties and provided solutions to the development of antenna arrays at millimeter and submillimeter wave frequencies. The first part of this thesis has focused on the study of a planar antenna array, called retina, for a specific near-field imaging system based on the Modulated Scatterer Technique (MST) at millimeter and submillimeter-wave frequencies. This system has been selected for its capabilities to perform high-speed imaging and because it does not require a high frequency distribution line network. However, it is hindered by many technological difficulties: the selection of an antenna geometry that achieves high efficiency, the selection of the adequate active element and its integration with the antenna. In this thesis, these challenges have been addressed and studied in-depth, and a design methodology that integrates all the different aspects of the system has been developed. Because planar antennas at millimeter and submillimeter wave frequencies suffer from high losses due to the surface wave modes inside substrate, these losses have been analyzed and quantified for different antennas, and an antenna geometry that reduces significantly this problem has been developed. Different switching technologies currently or potentially available at these high frequencies have been considered in order to study and analyze their capabilities and their integration possibilities: PIN diodes, Schottky diodes and RF-MEMS. These technologies have been studied through the development of three retina prototypes, which have been fabricated using high precision fabrication processes such as laser micromachining and photolithographic. Different measurement set ups were fabricated and assembled to validate the different premises presented. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the study of integrated Focal Plane Arrays (FPA). The development of FPA at submillimeter wave frequencies is highly on demand due to the enormous progress in designing integrated heterodyne receivers. These receivers integrate arrays of submillimeter-wave diode-based mixers and multipliers with Monolithically Integrated Circuit (MIC) amplifiers on the same wafer stack. For this stackable multi-pixel terahertz camera technology to work, a leaky wave antenna with silicon micro-lenses has been developed, which allows wafer level integration compatible with silicon micro-fabrication techniques for bulk array manufacturing and has high directivity in order to illuminate a reflector efficiently. Detailed and thorough design guidelines for this antenna are presented. Two antenna prototypes were built in order to evaluate the two fabrication possibilities: advanced laser micro-fabrication and photolithographic fabrication. A study of the aberrations of the lens has been developed in order to evaluate the performance of the lens profile fabricated. Moreover, a set of radiation pattern measurements of the fabricated prototypes was performed in order to evaluate the performance of the antenna and its possibilities to be used as a FPA

    Cortical Abnormalities Associated With Pediatric and Adult Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group

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    Objective: Brain imaging studies of structural abnormalities in OCD have yielded inconsistent results, partly due to limited statistical power, clinical heterogeneity, and methodological differences. Here, we perform meta- and mega-analyses comprising the largest study of cortical morphometry in OCD ever undertaken. Methods: T1-weighted MRI scans of 1905 OCD patients and 1760 healthy controls from 27 sites worldwide were processed locally using FreeSurfer to assess cortical thickness and surface area. Effect sizes for differences between patients and controls, and associations with clinical characteristics, were calculated using linear regression models controlling for age, sex, site, and intracranial volume. Results: In adult OCD patients versus controls, we found significantly lower surface area of the transverse temporal cortex and a thinner inferior parietal cortex. Medicated adult OCD patients also showed thinner cortices throughout the brain. In pediatric OCD patients versus controls, we found significantly thinner inferior and superior parietal cortices, but none of the regions analyzed showed significant differences in surface area. However, medicated pediatric OCD patients had lower surface area in frontal regions. Cohen's d effect sizes varied between −0.10 and −0.33. Conclusion The parietal cortex was consistently implicated both in adults and children with OCD. More widespread cortical thickness abnormalities were found in medicated adult OCD patients, and more pronounced surface area deficits (mainly in frontal regions) were found in medicated pediatric OCD patients. These cortical measures represent distinct morphological features and may be differentially affected during different stages of development and illness, and possibly moderated by disease profile and medication

    Las conductas problemáticas en el aula: propuesta de actuación

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    Partiendo de los datos aportados por las numerosas investigaciones sobre las variables que influyen en el conflicto y, en la convicción de que la prevención es la mejor intervención sobre los problemas de conducta en los centros, intentamos, con nuestro trabajo, ofrecer una técnica sencilla de aplicar en las aulas, con el fin de anticiparse a la aparición de posibles conductas conflictivas para evitar que estas se conviertan en patológicas y den lugar a conflictos manifiestos. El objetivo es ofrecer al profesorado una herramienta que facilite el cambio de hábitos disruptivos del alumnado por habilidades sociales más cooperativas y de participación.Talking into account the information taken from the numerous investigations on the variables that influence the conflict and the certainty that prevention is the best intervention on the problems of behaviour in the centers, we try, with our work, to offer a easy technique to apply in the classrooms in order to be foresee the manifestation of possible problematique behaviours to prevent them to turn into pathological and produce evident conflicts. The aim is to offer the teachers a tool that facilitates the change of disruptive habits of the student body towards more cooperative and participative social skills

    Advantages of using virtual learning environments from the perspective of students and families

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    Introducción: Este estudio investigó los efectos del diseño de entornos personales de aprendizaje en la superación de la desmotivación discente. Método: Con la finalidad de describir las ventajas en la utilización de los entornos personales de aprendizaje de los participantes respecto a sus propias vivencias de aprendizaje, se utiliza una metodología de estudio de caso evaluativo de orientación etnográfica y como técnica el análisis de contenido de la información recogida de los grupos de discusión con el profesorado, alumnado y padres implicados en la experiencia. Resultados: La utilización de los entornos personales de aprendizaje tiene ventajas para la motivación y el rendimiento docente del alumnado pero se evidencian algunas problemáticas en la implementación del proceso de innovación. Conclusiones: Señalan que es un enfoque pedagógico potencialmente prometedor para integrar tanto el aprendizaje formal e informal utilizando los medios sociales y el apoyo al aprendizaje autorregulado de los estudiantes y ponen de relieve su facilidad de uso.Introduction: This study investigated the effects that the design of personal learning environments has in overcoming student´s lack of motivation. Method: The methodology used was the case study with an ethnographic orientation approach. This methodology allowed to describe the advantages of using the participants personal learning environments regarding their own learning experiences. The technique employed to conduct the study was the analysis of the content of the information that had been collected in group discussion exercises made with teachers, students and parents who got involved in the experience. Results: Using personal learning environments has advantages for student’s motivation and student´s performance. However, there are some evident problems with the implementation of the innovation process. Conclusions: This pedagogical approach represents promising advances in the integration of both formal and informal learning. Furthermore, the use of social media and the support of self-regulated learning highlight the usability of the approach.peerReviewe

    La renta básica como garantia fundamental

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    Treballs Finals de Màster en Dret. Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Ricardo García ManriqueHe elegido la propuesta de la renta básica como tema de mi trabajo porque es una idea apasionante, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como práctico. Desde un punto de vista teórico, se trata de una propuesta todavía novedosa; por este motivo aún se están discutiendo aspectos básicos de la misma. Las discusiones sobre la renta básica tienen implicaciones de hondo calado teórico, pues no se ha fijado todavía un marco conceptual definitivo; asimismo dichas discusiones están sumidas en una atmósfera de cierta confusión e incluso incoherencia que las hace más interesantes desde un punto de vista teórico, pues es necesario introducir claridad y orden en su estudio. Desde la vertiente práctica, la renta básica se presenta como una propuesta capaz de hacer evolucionar no sólo elementos relevantes de la realidad jurídica, sino también de la realidad económica, social y cultural. Porque puede ser un elemento esencial para la defensa de los derechos sociales en general y del derecho a la existencia material en especial. Por este motivo, me ha parecido interesante investigar cómo habría que configurar jurídicamente la renta básica con el objetivo puesto en la defensa de los derechos sociales. Si el derecho tiene que ofrecer respuestas a los problemas sociales que se nos plantean en cada momento, parece claro que debe tomar la palabra en relación con la propuesta de la renta básica y la defensa de los derechos sociales. Con mi trabajo he procurado poner un poco de claridad en el debate sobre la renta básica para tratar de contribuir en alguna medida a una hipotética adopción de la propuesta. Mi deseo es que veamos en poco tiempo una renta básica no sólo recogida en las leyes, sino también en la Constitución, como una institución básica de nuestra democracia. Este deseo es el que justifica el presente trabajo

    Psychometric Properties of the Barrier Autoinform for the Practice of the Physical Exercise (ABPEF)

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    El estudio consistió en examinar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de autoinforme de barreras para la práctica del ejercicio físico (ABPEF) y comprobar el efecto del género sobre dichas barreras. Se han estudiado sus propiedades psicométricas con una muestra de 342 adolescentes (media de edad: 15.02±1.86). Se realizaron análisis de confiabilidad, análisis factorial exploratorio, correlación ítem con puntaje total y análisis factorial confirmatorio. Se encuentra una buena confiabilidad interna (α = .86), adecuada correlación ítem con puntaje total, y la presencia de cuatro factores en el análisis factorial exploratorio con correlaciones significativas entre las mismas. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró adecuado ajuste a los datos de un modelo tetrafactorial del cuestionario (χ2 /gl = 3.696; GFI=.89; AGFI=.86; RMSEA=.061). El género femenino presenta mayores barreras para la práctica del ejercicio físico. Este cuestionario es un instrumento fiable y válido y se sugiere su uso en futuras investigacionesThe objective of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the self-report questionnaire for physical exercise (ABPEF). And to chek the effect of gender on those barriers. Their psychometric properties were studied with a sample of 342 adolescents (mean age: 15.02 ± 1.86). We performed reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, item correlation with total score and confirmatory factor analysis. We found a good internal reliability (α = .86), an adequate item correlation with total score, and the presence of four factors in the exploratory factor analysis with significant correlations between them. The confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate adjustment to the data of a tetrafactorial model of the questionnaire (χ2 / gl = 3.696; GFI = .89; AGFI = .86; RMSEA = .061). The female gender presents greater barriers to the practice of physical exercise. This questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for the population under study, and its use in future research is suggeste


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    Diseño de canales de distribución para la empresa Gpinor SA en su producto miel orgánica - 2018

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    La miel de abeja orgánica se presenta como un producto altamente nutritivo y saludable para aquellas personas que la consumen; ya que, a diferencia de la miel convencional, esta se caracteriza por ser producida por polen y néctar de flores libre de cualquier manipulación química del hombre. La empresa GPINOR SA, ubicada en Chiclayo – Perú, cuenta con este producto altamente nutritivo, pero no tiene claro cómo ni cuáles son sus opciones de comercialización que permitan optimizar su venta. El objetivo de este estudio es diseñar canales de distribución para la comercialización de miel orgánica en la empresa GPINOR SA. Se va a reconocer los canales de marketing de consumo en los que se puede comercializar el producto, medir la cobertura del producto dentro del mercado local, identificar las técnicas de ventas más propicias para la empresa y finalmente obtener las características del perfil del consumidor que GPINOR está buscando. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, se utilizaron fuentes secundarias como libros, páginas webs, entre otros. En cuanto a las fuentes primarias, se realizó focus groups para los clientes directos y otro para los detallistas; se aplicó encuestas a 264 personas de ambos sexos en distintos puntos de la ciudad de Chiclayo, como supermercados, mercados, ferias y tiendas naturistas; finalmente también se puedo obtener entrevistas dirigidas hacia los proveedores mayoristas del producto. El resultado de esta investigación permitió definir la mecánica y las partes del canal de distribución que la empresa necesita